Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Tad Annoyed

I started at the daycare last week. The first day I was given a bunch of paperwork to fill out and told I needed to get a drug test. Then I was given a swipe card so I could easily get into the room that I am helping in. 

I went in to the two and a half to four year old's room. I got to see large group time where the children were learning about the sense of smell. They smelled different things such as lemons, baby powder and syrup. They had snack time and one more group meeting. Then I helped with the outside playtime.

On Tuesday, I was there during free play, which happens when the children first come at 1:15pm. I helped watch the water table. The teacher's had prepared an activity with different sizes of ice blocks. The ice had holes drilled into it and the children were given watered down food dye and tiny medicine droppers. They could put the dye on the ice and in the holes to see the different colors it turned. 

I also went on Thursday. To help with leaning about different senses they had a flower shop set up in the class room. Also, during group time they had the owner of a real flower shop com in a talk to the children about the different colors, smells, and feels of the flowers. 

This week I went only on Tuesday. I was also there during free play. This week the flower shop was turned into a train station. The study idea was about different types of transportation. 

Today I went into the daycare to turn in all of my paper work and form from the drug test in. The secretary took them back to the office them came back out and said "okay the only things we need from you now are a physical and a TB test." I was surprised to hear this because I was not told this before. So right now I am a little annoyed not just because of the seemingly crazy amounts of things to prepare for this. Also, the fact that they didn't tell me everything. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Setting Up

Where to start?

When I heard that were in a class with service learning I was a little skeptical then quickly grew to like the idea. I was worried about the time issue at first, but when broken up into two or three hours a week it doesn't sound nearly as bad. I don't consider myself a very good writer, but doing service work - that I can do. I really like that this class is not just a read this book (that has nothing to with you and you will hate it) and then write a paper on it (that you also don't know or care anything about). So far we have had discussions about things that matter or are interesting.

Also, we got to pick our own places to volunteer at, something that interests us even. CRAZY IDEA! I am an Elementary Education major so when I heard about this project I really hoped that I would be able to work with children. Very luckily, I realized that right down from my dorm is a Children's Learning Center. I went in and introduced myself and the project for class. The people there were very helpful and excited from the beginning. I got contact info and started emailing. They wanted to make sure that what I was helping with was something that I was interested in.

At first I was going to work in one room that focuses on reading projects. The times for that didn't end up working with my schedule. At the moment I am going to start there tomorrow afternoon. I will be working in the two and a half to four year old room.

I titled my blog Hand Prints for a few reasons. On being children have hand prints everywhere whether its the window, an art project or the table covered in food. Hand prints symbolize leaving a mark on something. Not only do I want to leave my own hand prints on the world, I want to teach children to leave their marks also.