Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wrapping Everything Up!

Lets see I didn’t go to the daycare last week because I was getting ready to go home for break. – Break was wonderful I had a great Thanksgiving with my wonderful family! - So about two weeks ago when I was at the daycare was the week where there was the tornado watches. The daycare had that planned out very well. When the sirens went off the kids were having snack time. The teachers got the children to quietly line up at the door. Also, they brought the “Field Trip Bag” which is just a backpack with some activities and some things that might be needed in an emergency. All of the kids were very good they sat against a wall while they were read stories. When it was time to go back in the room it was a false alarm and we headed back into the hallway. Since the kids were missing snack time they were each given some crackers and water. This time we colored pictures and sang songs while we waited. By the time the warning was over it was time for the parents to pick up the children.
I just got done with my hours for this week. They had some great activities up in the room, one of them being a cardboard house that the kids got to help decorate using strips of cardboard. They also had many other play tools that they could use in the play construction site.
It was snowing a lot and many of the kids spent time just watching the snow fall on to the playground outside.
I am all finished with my hours now and Monday will probably be my last day at least for this semester. Also, this is my tenth and probably last blog.
Hope that everyone’s service hours are going well and almost finished up!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Burnt Out

I was only going to go in to the day care one day this week. On Sunday I emailed my supervisor to let her know that I would only be in on Monday this week because I had an exam in History class on Tuesday and I was going to take the extra time to make sure I was prepared.
Then there was a change in plans. On Monday I was making one of those instant lunch things. I boiled water in the microwave in a mug and as I was walking over to pour it into the cup I ended up spilling it on my hand. OUCH!!! Someone helped me get some ice on it. I just kind of stood there for a bit crying, because I didn’t know what to do. At one point I looked up and saw a tour group there, I think I might have scared them off. I went up to my room to a bit before I decided that I needed to go to PUSH. Right away the nurses got to me they asked a few general questions then got my hand wrapped up and gave me some pain killers. They sent me off with a prescription crème to heal my hand. After a few hours the burn calmed down to where I could handle it. Within the next day or so my hand felt fine. Just a little blistered. Ended up missing one math class, and the daycare of course.
I was very glad that I started taking pictures for my digital poster last week. If I hadn’t I would be feeling a bit behind right now.
I was supposed to take a history test on Tuesday but ended up waiting until today so it would be easier to write with. Even with the extra study time don’t feel like I did very well.
So, a little bit of an unplanned surprise and very glad that this week is almost over. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Exciting Fall Week!

On Monday I asked the teacher what the policy is on pictures because I wanted to take some of the kids for my digital poster. She said that would be fine as long as none of them are used on the Internet.
This week part of the room was set up with pumpkins. The teacher read a book about carving pumpkins and then carved one so the kids could see it. They even put a candle in it for a minute to show the glowing! Then they made their own paper jack o’ lanterns. There was a stand set up where the kids could “sell” the pumpkins to each other. They even had the actual mini pumpkins for the kids to play with. Also, there was a place where they could rake up fake leaves. I am always amazed with the cool ways that they set the room up.
I also got some extra volunteering in this week as I went in on Wednesday because they were going on a field trip and needed some extra help. I was a little worried about it because I still had homework to be done and an exam later that day but I am very glad I went it was a fun and good experience. Some parents came in to pull wagons also. We put all of the children in wagons and pulled them over to Squirrel Park. On they way they got to stop a few times and pick up a pine cone, some leaves, walnuts and other nature things that they found interesting. Once they were there they got to play on both of the play grounds for a little bit before having a snack and heading back to the daycare. On the way back one of the children whose parent had come along decided that they were not ready to go back. The boy jumped out of the wagon and was not going to get back in. It took about 10 minutes of his mom and the teacher coaxing him to get him to come back with us. Over all a very good day for all of the children!