Sunday, October 2, 2011

Almost All Set

My supervisor wanted me to make a schedule of when to come in so that she knew when she needed other help. I said I would pick two days each week. Sometimes I can do more than that but I don’t want to commit to more than I can handle. So right now I am going in on Monday’s and Tuesday’s, which will be three and a half hours a week. Then if I ever have extra time and want to stop in that’s fine too.
Last week was pretty fun. I know most all of the children’s names now. It is much easier to communicate with them if you have a name. On Mayday’s I am there when they are outside playing. They have a sandbox, climbing/slide area and a kitchen. Also, there are plenty of wagons, trikes and things to push around. The playground is new but has a few safety problems, so the children have to be watched pretty closely.
On Tuesday the kids had a few special guests. They got to go into a playroom area and learn to play soccer. Being so young it wasn’t actual soccer but they got a few basics, like kicking and stopping the ball. They each got to make a goal at the end also. Most of them really enjoyed it and participated in the games.
Tomorrow morning I have to get up insanely early (I am not a morning person.) to be at PUSH by 8:15. I am going to get my TB test and physical. Hopefully completing all of the requirements to keep volunteering.  I am not sure exactly how they do a TB test but I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.
Excited to see the kids this week for what I’m sure will be another adventure. I’ll let you all know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool that you finally finished all the paper work and are almost done with all the medical tests. I don’t really know what is involved in a TB test either but I hope it goes well and isn’t painful. I think that you will really enjoy having a schedule for days that you volunteer. I volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club every Monday and Friday, and I know that I look forward to each time. I have also found that everything is much easier once you are able to talk to the children by name instead of just being like hey kid. I also think that it is so awesome that they have visitors come in on Tuesdays and teach the children about something or how to do something. The soccer seems like something that is a useful skill since many children end up playing on a recreation soccer team. I hope you keep enjoying your service as much as you seem to now.
