Tuesday, October 18, 2011

When I Grow Up...

Daycare is over for the week and I thought I would get something written down before I forget some of the specifics. There were many exciting activities that I got to help out with! This week the theme is jobs. The children went over many different types of jobs on Monday. They helped read the story by guessing what person did each job. With such a span of ages (2.5-4 years), backgrounds, and learning levels some of the children sit and watch occasionally joining in, while others are very on top of everything giving out all of the answers. One child was answering everything the teacher said,” Jasper, you are doing such a wonderful job, lets see if the other kids can answer the next one.” When the next job came up he waited about ten seconds before whispering the answer. It was so funny because he wanted to tell them so badly.
The main job that they discussed was a firefighter. They had a pop up fire truck in the room that the children could pretend to drive around. Accompanying this were pretend firemen hats, water hoses and pretend houses that the kids could find to put the fires out.
Along with the fireman job the children learned about fire safety, like having an escape route in case of a fire. The teachers went over what the escape route was at school, then sent a paper home so that the families could talk about having a plan in case of a fire at home. Also, they practiced the “stop, drop and roll” method of getting fire out of your clothes.
The talked about calling 911 whenever there was any kind of an emergency – but only in a real emergency!
The other safety issue they d
When I left today the kids were going to get to a special visit from a firefighter. Also they hoped the rain would stop so they could see a real fire truck!


  1. Heh heh, I remember when I was little. I already knew that I wanted to design things (I don’t think I knew the word engineer yet, but that didn’t matter) so I wasn’t as crazy about firemen and astronauts as everyone else was. However, I did still think that firemen were pretty awesome. I mean, they run toward fire in instead of away from it. How cool is that?

    Concerning the quieter kids: You probably have already noticed I’m not one of them. Honestly, I never could understand why anyone wouldn’t answer questions. My girlfriend, Angela, has really helped me understand this over the past two and a half years or so. See, she is quite and doesn’t care to share what she is thinking unless she feels that others genuinely desire to know it and will appreciate it. Her mind runs faster and on more tracks than mine, and she is paying attention even if (perhaps especially if) she is drawing at the same time. She’s just not likely to speak her mind. I think there are a lot more people like that than I had ever realized before.

  2. It must be really interesting to be around such a diverse group of kids and see them interact with each other. As for the little boy in the class who knew all the answers, I think that is a familiar memory for everyone from elementary school. There is always that one kid who knows everything, and cannot wait for everyone to know that he or she knows everything. I was kind of that kid in elementary school, but one day I realized how annoying I was and stopped. I sympathize with Jasper though; he just wants to keep the class moving, and maybe show off a little. Nothing wrong with that.

    That pop-up fire truck sounds awesome. I would have used that so much as a kid, especially if it had water hoses and houses. I would love to see the kids playing with it. It sounds like the kids had a very fun day learning about fire safety. Hooray for stop, drop and roll

  3. I remember how I wanted to be a paleontologist when I was little. I always was interested in dinosaurs and the fact that I got to dig around in the dirt only made the job more appealing. Sadly to say, I eventually realized that paleontologists don't get paid very well, so I quickly moved on from that.

    My elementary school had fire safety week and all the kids got to go into the truck that smoked up like it was on fire. They would tell us all to leave except for one who had to stay. The teachers would do role-call and then we would have to alert the adults that someone was missing. I got to be the kid who left behind once, and I didn't really like being in the smoke that long.
